Вс. Фев 23rd, 2025

Among the plants which at first sight evoke luxury bouquets, Cleve is one of the most noticeable. From its massive and elegant at the same time blossoms on a background of dark, glossy leaves just don't look away. With such a bright appearance, it is surprising that clivia has long remained unfashionable. Meticulous care and complying with all requirements to conditions bound. But this spectacular UAE among the potted plants could not be found. How to care for clivia at home, will tell in his article.

Clivia or Kaffir Lily

Description of the plant and the types of room Clive

Clivia has long been considered outdated and purely greenhouse plants, but today they are once again gaining popularity in the culture room. This is one of the most peculiar plants among the flowering room and one of the most brilliant exotics.

Also known as Kaffir Lily, representatives of the family Amaryllidaceae clivia controversial. This plant is literally overgrown with myths. Even accessories Clive to rhizomatous or bulbous perennials argue.

Clivia have thickened, shortened rhizome reminiscent of day lilies and do not form bulbs. Clivia species reach a height of 80 cm, modern varieties and hybrids are much more compact.

Arranged in two rows remnevidnye or eslovenia, rather long and broad leaves form a false stems. With a length up to 60 cm leaves clivia reminded of the daylilies. But, due to its deep colour and density, giving the leaves a light arcuate bend, win in comparison. Plants have very showy glossy Shine.

Clivia may surprise many, but primarily its durability. Clivia can in the right growing conditions to please 40 years and more!

Despite the classic flowering period from late February to may, Cleve often blooms a bit later in March. On the strong, powerful stalks rise above the leaves umbrellas inflorescences. Young clivia produce one or more flower stalks, but the old overgrown plants, especially after the first decade, able to please fifty stalks per season.

In inflorescence-umbrellas Clive collected up to 60 large funnel-shaped flowers. Graceful bells are very elegant. After flowering, tie a large agodavid fruit.

Yellow and orange clivia flowers are reminiscent of summer fruits. Cream, apricot, melon, a pinkish peach, cinnabar-pink clivia always look Sunny and beautiful.

Clivia belong to a poisonous potted plant, requiring the protection of the skin from any contact with the juice.

The types of room Clive

Cleve cinnabar or orange Clivia (Clivia miniata) is the most common and striking form of Clive. Remnevidnye leaves with a very dark shade of color is striking in its beauty. But I appreciate this kind of for a blooming massive yellow, orange or light red blossoms of large flowers.

Noble clivia (Clivia nobilis) differs only in the elongated tubular drooping flowers mostly pink color.

Clivia or Kaffir Lily

Clivia or Kaffir Lily

Growing conditions for room Clive

Clivia or Kaffir Lily does not bloom without full cool winter. Other requirements also should not be ignored: clivia prefers stability all over and doesn't like to her once again touched.

Lighting and placement of clivia

Clivia light and will not normally bloom in the shading. But direct sunlight, especially in summer, the plant tolerates bad. Cleave placed in locations with ambient light, near a window, but not necessarily on the windowsills.

When choosing a place to Clive, you need to rely on the constancy: clivia can not tolerate even small changes and "anxiety." Even slightly shift the pot plant is not recommended, and moving to a new place and all can cause considerable problems. Not like clivia and the extra touches, too-frequent "grazing", turning and distress: the leaves of the plant should not touch the walls, Windows or surfaces.

Temperature and ventilation

Clivia or Kaffir Lily prefers cool winter and it should at the ambient temperature of the air is not above 15 degrees. The ideal temperature range for a period of rest — from 8 to 12 degrees Celsius (September to January). But in the summer she doesn't take the heat. Temperatures from 16 to 20 degrees is the best option.

In the summer of cleave can be taken to fresh air, placing in partial shade and shade. And even in winter, ventilation of rooms should be regular. If there is no temperature difference, Cleve makes a nice light drafts.

Clivia or Kaffir Lily

Care clivia at home

The key annual and abundant flowering Clive not for nothing is watering. Without a proper stable soil moisture clivia will act up and bloom poorly, and without changing the schedule and method of irrigation will fail, even the cool winter.

Watering and humidity

For clivia watering must comply with stage of plant development. From the moment when the stems reach 15 cm in height and until the fall cleave watered abundantly and frequently. Do not allow moisture, but maintain a stable humidity with the drying of the upper layer of the substrate.

But in the fall and before the time when the stems start to grow clivia in the cool can does not water. If the temperature exceeds the optimal performance, cleave watered very carefully and rarely. The period of rest she needs lightweight moisture, you simply spray the plant with a spray bottle for easy hydration of the soil and leaves.

The higher the temperature, the more increase watering, still allowing to dry the substrate to a third depth. Once the stems grow to 15 cm, cleave again the abundantly watered, without smooth transitions. Water temperatures for clivia should be slightly warmer than the air in the room. The water in the trays should not leave even for a few minutes.

Clivia not only likes very dry air, proximity to heaters or air conditioners. She is quite satisfied with the sprinkles that support the averages, and does not need moisturizers.

The leaves of clivia better to keep clean, carefully wiping the dust with a damp sponge. Too often aggressive and cleave do not wipe, reducing treatments to a minimum.

Feeding and fertilizer composition

Cleave fertilize only during active growth. Start fertilizing — the beginning of the growing season, stop fertilizing to the fall. For clivia need feeding twice a smaller doses with a frequency of 1 time per week during the period of growth of the peduncle (starting from 2-3 weeks after the resumption of irrigation) before flowering. After flowering until September feeding standard make — 1 time in 2-3 weeks. For this plant you can only use fertilisers for flowering crops.

Pruning and transplanting

Pruning is the removal of the peduncle. Cutting the leaves makes bad, except for the wilted greens.

Clivia or Kaffir Lily do not like frequent stops. Only the first few years the plant is rolled over every year or every two years, as fill the space of the pot. Adult clivia rolled over 1 time in 3-4 years, slightly increasing capacity. When the maximum tank size cleave not transplanted. Simply replace twice a year or at least in the spring the top layer of soil and make feeding more intense.

This plant prefers very high, tight capacity. Because clivia is massive, grow in large groups, and their inflorescences are heavy, they need to grow in a very sustainable containers or with heavy drainage. Ideal for clivia ceramic pots.

These plants prefer nutrient, clay, coarse substrates is a special soil for Amaryllidaceae.

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От Adam Walk

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