Сб. Фев 22nd, 2025

The types of dieffenbachia

To the family Araceae belongs to the genus dieffenbachia, a plant that is named after the Austrian gardener who worked at the Vienna Imperial Palace of the Habsburg dynasty.

The types of dieffenbachia


Dieffenbachia species are presented in the amount of sixty units. They differ in size, shape and color of the culture, which is observed in the tropical climate of North and South America. At home, growing dieffenbachia is a pretty entertaining experience. This flower fits into the interior of houses, offices and other public places. To say that the plant is undemanding in reproduction and care, as it is very sensitive and requires attention to certain rules in the preservation of life.

Description of the flower

The height of ornamental crops reaches more than two hundred meters. The root system is branched and powerful. Of the points of shoots are formed are thick and fleshy stems, the top of which is decorated with evergreen leaves. They are very wide and can taper or be rounded to the edge. The color of the leaves, depending on variety, green, dark, bright or light green tone.

In some species, the leaves are plain, while others are surprised by the beauty of streaks, spots, grooves, which have yellow, beige, green, pink and white color. The stems can have opposite leaves along the entire length or hardwood cap on top. Sheet length of some varieties reaches fifty centimeters, and the width twenty-five centimeters. At the base of the stem and at its apex marked a point of growth for the formation of new shoots. Flowering diffenbachia is rare, but the appearance of white flowers (cobs) in the form of lilies, or Calla lilies, is an amazing and beautiful sight. The resulting fruit of dieffenbachia look like berries red or orange. The types of dieffenbachia

If you consider the variety of dieffenbachia, we can identify several varieties that are popular in our interior. These include: bright, tall, large-leaved and illutia, spotted, offlinelist or ostrolistnyj varieties. The progenitor for breeding hybrid species, was spotted dieffenbachia. Varieties obtained by breeding, different size and shape culture. Sometimes there are types of dieffenbachia, which have very long bare stem, with a tuft of leaves at the top resembling a palm tree. Some of the common types colored plants are:

  • CD. Dieffenbachia presents a dense shrub with large green leaves, on which are marked beige spots along the entire length of the sheet, near the Central sulcus;The types of dieffenbachiaDieffenbachia compact
  • Vesuvio. The culture of this variety is reminiscent of the lush Bush that is covered with snow. This is reflected white shoots white leaves with green drops. Height Vesuvio is up to sixty inches;The types of dieffenbachiaDieffenbachia Vesuvio
  • Lovely. The most simple variety for cultivation in the home. Even dieffenbachia called pleasant, as the decorative qualities and adaptability of culture uplifting gardeners. Plant height of about seventy centimeters, and the length of the leaves fifty-five centimeters. The color of the leaf plate dark green, and near many of the veins marked by bright stripes. Changes in the temperature in the room, a charming dieffenbachia tolerates well, but this does not mean that it can be placed near the fireplace, battery or air conditioning; The types of dieffenbachiaThe types of dieffenbachiaDieffenbachia charming
  • Camila. This variety has a juicy green lanceolate leaves that can have beige or bright mid-banded rim. Camila also satisfactorily tolerate dry and humid air in the room;The types of dieffenbachiaDieffenbachia Camila
  • Leopold. The low-growing cultivar of dieffenbachia, which marked the elliptical leaves are dark green and the Central vein is broad and white. The leaves are thirty inches in length and sit on a short and fleshy shoots which are green and Burgundy stains;The types of dieffenbachiaLeopold
  • Magnificent (marble). A Bush of medium height, rather oval leaves and petioles light green tones with yellow spots;The types of dieffenbachiaDieffenbachia gorgeous
  • Of SEGUIN. Dieffenbachia has large, dark green leaves with jagged yellow stains in the middle of the sheet plate. In size, leaves are smaller in width and length compared to spotted dieffenbach and have few veins. This variety is a matrix for selection of launches hybrids. One of the most popular hybrids of this species is the tropic snow;The types of dieffenbachiaOf SEGUIN
  • Large-leaved. The name dieffenbachia says of himself, that is, on secondary shoots observed large, oval, dark green leaves, no streaks and spots, but with a bright streaks. In height, the plant rises to a meter and a very undemanding in cultivation;The types of dieffenbachiaLarge-leaved
  • Oersted. The flower grows up to sixty inches and has green leaves up to forty inches in length. Form sheet plate broad at base and tapering to the apex, resembling a heart. The Central vein has a light tone, making the leaf bright and expressive. If it added the white dots and the turquoise color, this species belongs to the hybrid green magic;The types of dieffenbachiaOersted
  • Some species of dieffenbachia have thick and long leaves that reach more than fifty centimeters and have white blotches on a dark green background (marble pattern). These include hybrids Bauman and Bouse.

The dieffenbachia plant is not only attractive and undemanding in cultivation, but also useful properties for health. Many people who are some time is close to the flower, note the lifting of fatigue, headache, and a burst of energy. Domestic cats can happily eat the leaves of dieffenbachia, as it has antihelminthic properties. If a flower is in the room and the kitchen, then this is a great air purifier. The only negative quality, which can cause a negative opinion – poisonous.

The meaty stem of the flower is a dense vegetable juice is white, which is in contact with the skin may cause a burn. This reaction occurs in allergic people in the process of reproduction, or transplant plants. Toxicity of dieffenbachia room is significantly different from the toxicity of her kin in the wild. If at home for transplantation or reproduction dieffenbachia, it is advisable to do it with gloves on, in principle, proceed when pruning or transplanting other plants.

There is a belief that the flower of dieffenbachia being in a home environment affect reproductive performance of women and men, but it's pretty controversial, so families who wish to fill up the family, you need to contact medical professionals, and not to blame houseplant.

The cultivation and care

In order to decorate the room dieffenbach can be cut with friends the top of Mature plants. Cut apical cuttings need to dry and process the crushed activated carbon. In a container of water necessary to lower the handle, it is desirable to add the root Converter. Room temperature for the successful rooting should not be less than twenty degrees Celsius. Appeared when the roots reach two to three centimetres, the plant can be planted in pot with soil. The ground for dieffenbachia for sale in a flower shop, but she can cook, as long as it had a slightly acidic environment. You just need to mix peat, sand, leaf and sod land, to moisten the substrate and put it in a pot with a drainage layer. For drainage suitable pebbles, expanded clay, and pottery shards, which will provide breathability for the roots and prevent water stagnation.

Dieffenbachia grows pretty quickly. With proper care, the plant can produce one leaf every week. This is very important to ensure the flower lighting, but without direct sunlight. Krupnomery variety of dieffenbachia is better to place near the light of day, but not on the window. Room temperature is acceptable for plants, and even in winter, the reduction degrees are not afraid of dieffenbachia. Watering, as with all room rattanii need to undertake to defend or purified water. The types of dieffenbachia,

The frequency of watering depends on the time of year. In the summer, to water and spray the flower is often needed, and in winter less. Constant drafts or located near the heating device, can hurt the plant that is expressed by yellowing and leaf drop. Fertilizers for dieffenbachia is no exception. Feed the plant spring, summer and autumn, but not often and weakly concentrated solution purchased mixes. From home remedies, fit tea brew, cold slop, the infusion of onion skins and polisena water.

If the leaves of dieffenbachia lose their elasticity, color and fall off, this may signal a close of the pot, so the plant needs a transplant. Such a procedure can be performed once or twice a year. For this purpose, in a new pot put fresh substrate and rolled over the plant with the old lump of earth.

The types of dieffenbachia

When a flower loses its decorative effect, so there is a long bare trunk with sparse deciduous beam on top, then the plant needs pruning. To do this, cut off the top, which will apical cuttings ready for planting. The remaining stalk can also be split, leaving the growth points and propagated. Of these, soon there will be new shoots with leaves.

Dieffenbachia is propagated by seed and by aerial shoots. But it takes more time and labor.


The appearance of pathological symptoms could indicate a lack of care or failure of plant parasitic microflora. In the case of the bleaching of leaves, slow growth, loss of elasticity, the strain and the fall, you need to pay attention to watering, temperature, lighting, fertilizing the plants and the size of the container in which it grows. Such pathologies include rot, bacterial blight, black stem, Anthracnose, Fusarium blight, a bronze and mosaic virus the leaves. The types of dieffenbachia.

If the dieffenbachia was struck by fungal diseases or pests, which include: thrips, spider mites, aphids, mealybugs and scale insects, the flower is an urgent need to isolate from other plants and to try to cure it. For this, use a solution of soap, which is rubbed broad leaves on both sides. You can treat the plant with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. There are ready-made of complex mixtures, which are called acaricides. The use of these funds must be strictly according to the instructions. If the plant is difficult to treat with fungicides, it can be transplanted or trimmed, but if the save failed, then it is elimination, in order to avoid infecting other houseplants.

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От Adam Walk

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