Вс. Мар 30th, 2025

How to care Ariocarpus at home? Photo care instructions

Ariocarpus (Ariocarpus) in the natural environment could not meet all lovers of flora. The main distinguishing feature of the cactus compared to its prickly "associates" is the absence of needles. How to care Ariocarpus at home?

Kind of Ariocarpus began to be distinguished as a separate group since 1838 thanks to the famous German Professor Josef Seadweller engaged in the study of cacti. The shape of the plant resembles a flattened green stones. Adult specimens bloom big, bright flower on the top that compensates for the unsightly appearance of the shoots and gives the culture of originality. In the Botanical literature often shows photos of Ariocarpus it is in the flowering stage.

1 Description of Ariocarpus

2 Care Ariocarpus at home

2.1 Location and lighting

2.2 Watering

2.3 Soil

2.4 Feeding and fertilizer

2.5 Transplant

3 Methods of reproduction of Ariocarpus

4 The types and varieties of Ariocarpus with photos

4.1 Ariocarpus agavoides (Ariocarpus agavoides)

4.2 Ariocarpus blunted (Ariocarpus retusus)

4.3 Ariocarpus cracked (Ariocarpus fissuratus)

4.4 Ariocarpus flaky (Ariocarpus furfuraceus)

4.5 Ariocarpus intermediate (Ariocarpus intermedius)

4.6 Ariocarpus Kochubey (Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus)

Description of Ariocarpus

The main habitat of the wild Ariocarpus concentrated in the countries of North and Central America. Here, the plant climbs on hills, and prefers limestone soils.

Pear-shaped roots grow strongly and go deep into the earth, allowing you to survive a prolonged drought. Nutritious juices flow through the vascular system juicy turnip, and help the plant to survive in adverse conditions. Root often reaches up to 80% of the total weight of the cactus.

Stunted shoots are pressed tightly to the ground and have on the skin small growths in the form of papillae, the ends of which are devoid of thorns, unlike other members of Cactaceae. Length rigid stems range from 3 to 5 cm Surface sheen and no rough divorces. Blunt end the stems, drying the substrate. Many varieties dominated by pale green or brownish colouring of the ground part.

Stems capable of producing a thick sticky substance. Local residents have long learned to use this slime as a natural glue for household needs.

The flowering phase drops at the beginning of autumn. In our climates this time coincides with the end of the rainy season in the homeland of Ariocarpus. Shiny, elongated flowers are painted in pink shade. At the center of the flower is a group of tiny stamens and one long pistil. The size of the expanded Bud about 4-5 cm They kept the stems on for a couple of days.

Finishes flowering, ripening red or green spherical fruit. Some species produce white berries. Their diameter does not exceed 2 cm Smooth skin hides a juicy pulp with small seeds. After drying, peel crack, and out poured seeds. Germination of seed stored for a long time. So lets investigate "How to care Ariocarpus at home?"

Care Ariocarpus at home

How to care Ariocarpus at home? Photo care instructions

Location and lighting

For the growth of Ariocarpus need a bright light that should fall on the stems for 12 hours every day. The heat in the summer, non-hazardous to plants. However, when placing flower pots on the South side of the building to better organize around them a small shadow. In winter, the pots transferred to a cool place where the cactus will be dormant until spring. Low temperature is detrimental and lead to irreversible consequences.


Watering is carried out rarely. The soil is moistened only when the earth com to the end withered, or during prolonged drought. In cloudy weather and in the winter months, the cactus is fine without water. Spraying can cause disease of the ground part.


To put Ariocarpus, use sand mix. The presence in the soil humus is highly undesirable for plants. The substrate is allowed to use sifted river sand. On the bottom of the pot should pour brick chips or grinded coal, otherwise the rot will cause harm the rhizome. In clay pots is more convenient to observe the changes in the humidity of the substrate. In order to avoid the accumulation of moisture the top layer of soil made of pebbles.

Feeding and fertilizer

Feed the plant a few times a year. Especially in need of nutritional support cactus flowering period and increasing greenery. Ariocarpus prefer mineral supplements. Pests and parasites are almost not bother, and the most common diseases are avoided if you follow the watering and properly care for culture. Damaged stems tend to recover quickly.


If rhizome Ariocarpus has grown significantly, and the volume pot seems inadequate for full development, it is time to transplant the cactus. The soil is pre-dried to easily move the plant along with the ball in the new pot.

Methods of reproduction of Ariocarpus

How to care Ariocarpus at home? Photo care instructions

For Ariocarpus characterized by seed and grafting propagation.

Ripe grain sown in light, moist soil. Upon reaching four months carried out a pick of the seedlings in another container. The containers are put in a room where there is natural light and high humidity. Here the cactus will spend your first year until acklimatiseras. Over time, young seedlings accustomed to the constant habitat.

Vaccinations are on a permanent rootstock. This method of reproduction is considered to be more successful than breeding seeds as the cacti are resistant to temperature extremes and calm perceive irregular watering.

Growing Ariocarpus will require a lot of labors and time. For this reason, it may be better to buy adult cactus.

The types and varieties of Ariocarpus with photos

In the family of Ariocarpus contains 8 main titles and some hybrids. Most species are easy to cultivate at home. Consider the most famous species samples.

Ariocarpus agavoides (Ariocarpus agavoides)

How to care Ariocarpus at home?

Ground green stem in the lower part is covered with a stiff layer. The main surface has the ribbing. Length flattened, slightly thickened papillae, directed in different directions, up to 4 cm If you look at the plant top, it is easy to see the star. Flowers-bells of rich pink tones with a delicate, smooth petals. At the peak of flowering, they reveal the head and demonstrate the lush core. In expanded form the diameter of one Bud approximately 5 cm Elongated ripe berries are red.

Ariocarpus blunted (Ariocarpus retusus)

How to care Ariocarpus at home?

Stems up to 10 cm look preplanetary and rounded at the ends. On top of the cactus layer covers the white or brown felt. Pale green buds shriveled. The width of these growths do not exceed 2 cm Pinkish buds are formed from broad petals. Flower size about 4 cm

Ariocarpus cracked (Ariocarpus fissuratus)

How to care Ariocarpus at home?

Cactus grey color with a dense structure. Adult specimens in the vegetation period resemble the calcareous stones. Only pink flower in the center is proof that it is a living plant, not a dummy. Stems much deeper into the soil. Sticking out above the surface a small part of the stem. Nipples like small diamonds sitting closely next to each other and plastering the stem. Outside stems studded with villi, which makes the cactus even more attractive.

Ariocarpus flaky (Ariocarpus furfuraceus)

How to care Ariocarpus at home?

The shape of this cactus is rounded, triangular papillae look. Rough, membranous spines gradually sloughed off and renewed. In their place there are new buds. In length of shoots of gray do not exceed 12 cm, and the cut – 25 see Rare buds with a diameter of 5 cm painted in white or milky tone. The apical location of flowers. They are formed in the axils.

Ariocarpus intermediate (Ariocarpus intermedius)

How to care Ariocarpus at home?

The stems of cactus almost prostrate on the ground and like a flattened ball that is barely raised above the surface. Gray shoots buds plastering on both sides. Diameter purple flowers of about 2-4 cm Berries are white with a pink tinge.

Ariocarpus Kochubey (Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus)

How to care Ariocarpus at home?

Variegated appearance with star-shaped stems. Large purple flower opens in the center of the cactus and closes the petals of a large part of the greenery.




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