Вс. Мар 30th, 2025

Diseases of petunias

Today there is hardly a person who haven't heard the ass petunias. This is a small and lovely ornamental plant to become more popular. Planting petunias adorn the city flower beds, petunias in hanging pots to decorate outdoor terraces and verandas. The variety of this flower is so great that everyone, no doubt, will be able to choose their Petunia that will satisfy all whims of the owner.

The name of the plant "Petunia" or "Petunia" (Petunia in Latin) comes from the French word petun which means "tobacco". This genus comprises small (their height varies from 10 cm to 1 m) herbaceous and subshrub plant of the family Solanaceae. Plants perennial, but often grown as an annual. The plant stems with densely arranged branches may be erect or travel along the earth's surface. Soft leaves are located on stems opposite or in regular order. Flowers petunias come in a variety of tints: purple, red, blue, purple or white. Their form can be right and wrong. Arising on short stalks, they can be double or simple. After flowering Petunia forms a fruit-a box with tiny seeds dark brown.

Came to us from the tropics of South America and Brazil, in the wild it grows in Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia and Argentina. Diseases of petunias.

Diseases of petunias

Popular varieties

Now 25 known species of petunias. For growing in the garden and flower beds often use the Petunia garden, which is a set of hybrids on the basis of two petunias – axillary and purple. Varieties of petunias of this type are divided into two large groups – flowered (multiflora) and large-flowered (grandiflora).

On the stems of many-flowered petunias produces many flowers, diameter of each is less than 5 cm. plants of this group are unpretentious and can grow in any soil. Light and not demanding and humidity level – is easy to tolerate both droughts and flood rains. Small compact shrub in the flowering period entirely covered with flowers of different colors and fragrance to severe autumn frosts. Often talking about such varieties flowered petunias:


  • Fantasy – small plants up to 20 cm with flowers up to 4 cm in diameter. This sub-group of plants comprising 9 species with flowers of very different colours from raspberry pink and red to soft pink.
  • The Mirage is a compact hybrids with double flowers from 6 to 9 cm in diameter. So the colour of the flowers can be mauve, pink, red, crimson, white – all options not listed. The group includes 13 species.
  • Placental – quite tall (his height can reach 30 cm) and a Bush (in a maximum diameter 25 cm) with large flowers. With time, the flower changes color from pink to slightly purplish. With the main color combines Burgundy-purple veins.


A group of Petunia grandiflora has hundreds of varieties. All varieties of this group are wonderful great colors, but they are on Bush plants a bit. Unfortunately, these flowers are easily damaged by rain and wind. Given this lack, the varieties of this group are recommended to grow in pots or boxes indoors. The most popular varieties of large-flowered petunias are:


  • Hit parade – lystrosaurus group of hybrids growing up to 25 m. the flower Colour range from pink, crimson and white to salmon and purple-blue.
  • Picotee – a small group including 4 hybrid. Their feature – corrugated edge of a petal with a wide (1.5 cm) white stripe on the edge. The Bush can be up to 25 cm, flowers red, purple, pink and Magenta color.
  • Pearl pirouette – a plant with fluffy petals height 25 cm flower Colour violet-purple with a white border, edge crimped and fringed.


Diseases of petunias

Petunia can get sick

Petunia is not a hardy plant, though it is considered quite unpretentious. Unfortunately, there is at Petunia's pests and diseases.

So what ill petunias? Disease petunias can be caused by an infection or fungus, as well as various types of pests.

The most dangerous and intractable diseases of this plant are infectious and fungal. To treat them quite difficult, the best time to take preventative measures and prevent the unpleasant phenomenon. Consider the ones that are the most common.

Diseases of petunias

Black leg

This defect can be noticed quite often. With the defeat of the stalk darkens and becomes soft. The reason that the stem of plants turn black. Can be too dense planting petunias, too moist air or soil with an acid reaction.

This disease almost impossible to cure. In some cases, can help the drugs based on oxadizole, methoxyl or MANCOZEB.

To prevent this disease, advised not to plant plants too close to each other. Caring for petunias, pay great attention to the regularity of watering – do not let it overflow and water stagnation around the plants. To plant Petunia is recommended for neutral or soil before planting to oxalacetate acidic (for this added lime). If the plant is still sick, diseased stems and twigs are removed.

Diseases of petunias

Black leg

Gray mold

Insufficient or excessive amounts of nitrogen in the soil can trigger the occurrence of gray mold on petunias. The cause may be excess moisture in air and soil. A vector of the disease is a fungus that inhabits the soil. It seeps through the roots and spreads through the ground part of the plant. Diseases of petunias

The disease manifests as brown spots on the branches and leaves of petunias. These spots at first resemble a rash. Over time, these vesicles are dried and leave behind a grayish plaque. Then often affects the whole ground part of the plant.

To get rid of this disease will help tools such as Integral and swift

To avoid this disease, I advise you to strictly observe the regime of humidity, to maintain optimum temperature of the contents of plants and avoid excess nitrogenous fertilizers.

Diseases of petunias

Gray mold

Brown spotting

In conditions of high humidity of air and soil may experience brown spotting Petunia. Signs of illness, consider the appearance of brown spots on the leaves of plants.

To avoid this disease, is sufficient to comply with the watering and to prevent stagnation of excess moisture.

For the treatment of diseases of the bushes use medications that contain copper. Treatment is done 2-3 times in 7 or 10 days.

Diseases of petunias

Brown spotting

Powdery mildew

By reason of the sudden change of external temperature conditions, excessive moisture or lack of light on the stems of petunias, you may receive the powdery mildew.

In the case of this disease stems and leaves of Petunia covered with a white bloom.

As prevention before boarding I advise you to disinfect the soil

To rid the plant from this disease, removing damaged parts of plants and removed from the garden the top soil layer. The soil is disinfected and treated with a landing of chemicals type of Fundazol or Topaz.

Diseases of petunias

Pests of petunias

Petunias have enough pests that severely damage these delicate flowers. We will focus on those that are the most common.

Diseases of petunias


Whitefly is a small insect, but do not notice them impossible. When you touch the flower, their leaves large number. If your petunias found whiteflies – flowers turn yellow and wither.

These insects to get rid of is quite simple. To combat whiteflies use Konfidor and Actelic.

Diseases of petunias



The invasion of aphids – these are the pests of petunias that are the most common. The presence of these insects is easy to notice just by looking at the Bush. Where insects covered in a dense layer the stem and leaves of petunias, the leaves thus deform and curl. Where insects are less – noticeable black spots on the plant. Diseases of petunias

In order to get rid of aphids, plant process Acheroy, Decis or Configura.

Diseases of petunias


Spider mites

Lot of harm your favorite ass petunias can cause spider mites. During their invasion, there is a General oppression of plants and the presence of a thin web around them. Gossamer can just adhere to the leaves.

From spider mites will help to get rid of chemicals Demitan, Apollo, Neuron. Processing plant, you must ensure that drug on the lower side of the sheet of platinum petunias.


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От Adam Walk

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