Сб. Фев 15th, 2025

Begonia tiger how to care?

Begonia Bauer or as it is called tiger (photo below) – a small ornamental indoor plant, fascinating with its amazing appearance, and relatively easy care. It belongs to the genus begonia, which consists of more than 2000 species. They all differ in form and color of leaves and flowers. So Begonia tiger is a decorative foliage plant, and has gained its popularity thanks to the foliage.

Begonia tiger how to care?

Begonia Bauer

Begonia Bauer is a small shrub that reaches 30 inches in height. The variety differs from the others, a small brown leaves with beautiful mottled patterns of red and green tones. Blooms white flowers, which are collected in racemes and grow from the root system, which in turn is placed above the soil layer. The flowering period falls in the winter.

The optimal conditions for growing begonias tiger is a place with high humidity and temperature around 20 degrees, although it can grow in various places, the more comfortable she feels in spaces that has indirect lighting. With abundant light intensity, plant foliage will lose color intensity, but the colors will be much more. It is best to place it in the shade or partial shade, but not in the sun.

In the apartment or in the house, begonia is a better place on the balcony or the terrace (cool, shaded place without wind). In such circumstances, there is no need for frequent watering. Begonia tiger how to care?

Care for the plant

Care at home is fairly easy because the flower is picky in this respect, but the plant feel comfortable, you must follow a few rules:

  1. Watering

The plant is accustomed to fairly moist soil and air. But, it does not tolerate waterlogging because it may result in root rot. Make watering necessary as the drying of the earth, on the edge of the pot so water does not get on the foliage.

  1. Humidity

To ensure that foliage does not dry up, the pot in which grows the flower put on the tray, which is strewn with pebbles or expanded clay, which eventually watered. Foliage does not tolerate water, after spraying it highlighted spots of red color.

  1. Temperature

Best of all, begonia tiger feels when the air temperature is 16 to 22 degrees above zero.

  1. Solar lighting

The plant does not tolerate direct sunlight, but grows well in shady place. The perfect place to put a window sill, window which faces North or North-West facing position. Experts advise to ensure uniform illumination, both in winter and summer.

Begonia tiger how to care?

Transplant - Begonia tiger how to care?

One of the most important criteria for successful growth of a flower is correctly matched primer. Begonia tiger prefers fertile soils (the best option is a substrate of equal parts pine, sod and leaf soil with added sand and humus). You can buy a universal land, which is suitable for houseplants, but in any case have to include the above components.

Before planting the plant in a new land, you need to check the status of the root system (so that it completely filled the old pot). This can be checked through the roots emerge from the drainage holes in the pot. If the pot is still room for growth of the root system, the transplant shouldn't be done. From begonias Bauer's very delicate and thin roots that could be damaged when transplanting. Begonia tiger how to care?

Pot transfers should be greater than the previous. Before planting the plant into a new pot, you need to compulsorily fill a small bowl drainage (ideal cm layer of expanded clay), and on it place a thin ball of sphagnum moss (it will protect the roots from rotting).

Transplanting young plants conducted each spring in the pot a little more. Old plants are transplanted every two years. If this is not done, begonias lose their decorative beauty, the foliage will fade, will be much less. On completion of the transplanting, the leaves should be cut, this will allow the plant to better take root in the new pot. The first few days, the flower kept in the dark.

As begonia is planted in nourishing soil, you need to be very careful with the introduction of feeding. Recommended to make it once a month, and to cook less rich than written instructions.



Begonia propagated by means of stem and leaf cuttings, Kustov division and seeds. The most common method is propagation by cuttings. To produce the breeding of cuttings need to prepare okuratno cut at an angle a stalk with 3 leaves, and plant it in a prepared, warm the earth. Stalk for a while send in a dark place.

The leaf cutting should be immersed in water or in the ground. If to recreate the conditions of the greenhouse, the process of root growth is accelerating, and in just a month, the plant can be planted in the ground.

Begonia tiger how to care?

Diseases and pests

High level of humidity, which is necessary for a comfortable maturation of a flower, could trigger the emergence of pathogenic organisms, especially in those cases when the pots are too closely on the windowsill. To prevent diseases in plants, it is necessary to provide sufficient space around the pot, the air normally circulates between the sheets. But it is impossible to put it on a draft, as too much ventilation can cause disease. In case of occurrence of diseases in the leaves, treatment with a fungicide.

The most common pests that affect tiger begonia – aphids and spider mites. They live on the underside of leaves, and drain him drinking all the juice. A favorable environment for pests, it is the dry air.

When infected by pests, you need to handle only the back of the sheets. To handle use a soap solution or insecticidal agents. It is advisable to repeat the procedure several times to exterminate the pests for sure.

Growing begonias of this class quite interesting and pleasant experience, this beautiful plant will brighten a room and calm people down with its unusual leaf with a pleasant color scheme.

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