Вс. Фев 23rd, 2025

Professional seeds of annual flowers

Many gardeners when building flower beds give preference to annuals. It would seem that the age of these short-lived flowers and sow them every year, but it does not repels gardeners, on the contrary. What is the secret appeal of annuals? It's simple – annual flowers you can quickly decorate the beds extremely juicy bright colors. Here, the rich palette of their forms and colors every year, you can change the appearance of the garden. Professional seeds of annual flowers

Professional seeds of annual flowers

The company "Evrosemena" many years of happy professionals with the best seed hybrids and varieties of flowering annuals. Now professional seeds of the highest quality with unique characteristics have become available to ordinary gardeners and cottagers. In this article we want to introduce you to the hits and novelties of popular and your favorite annuals.

Petunia series "EZ rider F1"

"EZ rider F1" – a series of hybrids of grandiflora petunias with rich colors and unique characteristics. Plants form compact spherical bushes up to 20-30 cm in diameter, crowned with numerous funnel-shaped flowers. Hybrids of this series do not need to be pinched for better tillering, does not stretch easily and without growth promoters. All these qualities are inherent at the genetic level!

In addition, petunias of this series are perfectly adapted to flowering as at high and at low temperatures. Resistance to various diseases, making these annual flowers ideal for dense plantings. And the ability to recover quickly after strong wind and rain, allowing them to Shine with the pristine colors even after bad weather.

Petunia grandiflora "F1 ez rider Deep salmon"

Hybrid petunias from the "EZ rider F1" with extra large funnel-shaped flowers salmon color with a yellow core. Planted in full sun or in hanging baskets Petunia "ez rider F1 Deep salmon" will delight you with its beautiful flowering until late autumn.

Professional seeds of annual flowers

Petunia grandiflora "F1 ez rider, blue"

It is impossible not to fall in love with the rich blue of the numerous flowers of this hybrid Petunia from the "ez rider F1". Heavenly paint grandiflora petunias "ez rider F1, blue" can become a part of floral compositions to decorate pots or to play the role of bright spots in your garden. Professional seeds of annual flowers

Professional seeds of annual flowers

Petunia series "Capri F1"

"Capri F1" is a series of universal hybrids of grandiflora petunias. Plant with amazing abilities to adapt to withstand the temperature drop to minus 5 degrees, but 40 degrees is not fatal for them. Grow and bloom these gorgeous petunias under the most adverse conditions.

Such violent and prolonged flowering, and it lasts from spring to late autumn, contributes to the male sterility gene possessed by these plants. In addition, the hybrids of this series are well branching and resistance to Botrytis. Plants thrive in flower beds, as border, and in all pots.

Petunia "Flamingo"

Hybrid grandiflora petunias from the series "Capri F1" bright salmon color. Petunia "Capri F1, Flamingo" will create a romantic mood and will be a perfect decoration for garden, balcony or terrace.

Professional seeds of annual flowers

Petunia "Blue EA"

Hybrid Petunia series "Capri F1" with large bright blue flowers. White core Petunia "blue EA" emphasizes the purity of the color and makes the plant very elegant.

Professional seeds of annual flowers

Petunia series "Success 360 F1"

"Success 360 F1" is a series of grandiflora Petunia hybrids with superior performance. Early flowering, globular shape and abundant flowers, quickly filling all the space around them with bright colors will not leave anyone indifferent. Flowers in the form of gramophonic with wavy edges painted with soft tones, allowing to see the dark patterned veins. Charm, sentimentality and sophistication – these flowers are worthy of the best seats in the patio, gardens and flower beds. Culture unpretentious, fast recovering after rains and winds, on a regular fertilizing reacts lush blooms.

Petunia "Salmon Wayne"

Large flowers of this hybrid Petunia of a series of "Success 360 F1" conquer the hearts of delicate salmon hues, which can be infinitely admire. Professional seeds of annual flowers

Professional seeds of annual flowers

Petunia "Purpl Wayne"

Hybrid grandiflora petunias "sakses 360 F1, Purpl Wayne", which will give you an abundance of flowers in gentle lavender color. Shades gradually thicken toward the center of the flower, turning the core in a dark purple "eye".

Professional seeds of annual flowers

Petunia series "Limbaugh Dzhi PI F1"

"Limbaugh, J. P. F1" – a real breakthrough in Petunia breeding! Hybrids of this series – a new generation of large, genetically compact petunias. The plant is growing, but the shoots are not drawn, and the shape of the Bush remains neat throughout the growing season.

When growing potted shrubs do not exceed a height of 10-15 cm in the open ground a little more – 15-20 cm diameter of the flower reaches 10-12 cm Flowering in petunias this series comes on one to two weeks earlier than other hybrids in this class. Bright colors, easy maintenance, long flowering, the ability to recover quickly after bad weather make hybrids of this series petunias annuals perfect for decorating gardens, balconies and terraces.

Petunia, "Violet Picotee"

One of the most striking hybrids of the series "limbo GP F1" — Petunia, "violet Picotee". Purple large flowers, set off with wide white edging-picote, create a catchy contrast and make the whole plant is extremely smart. Professional seeds of annual flowers

Professional seeds of annual flowers

Ampelnye petunias, cascading

Petunia "La Gioconda F1 Soft Pink"

Unique in its characteristics, the hybrid cascade Petunia "La Gioconda F1 Soft Pink". A huge number of beautiful colors, formed by male sterility, cover the plant from spring to late autumn. One Bush, growing, flooded its flowers fuchsia area with a diameter of up to 1.5 meters. Hybrid perfectly adapts to both high and low temperatures. It has good resistance to Botrytis. Early, long-lasting and luxurious flowering, simplicity, fast recoverability makes this Petunia is ideal for creating the front flower beds, flowering balconies and terraces.

Professional seeds of annual flowers

Petunia hanging plant "evening Senseyshn F1"

The world's first Petunia, received a wonderful aroma and extraordinary color award, the All America Selections. Subtle notes of hyacinth, sweet honey and rose gently envelop the garden during the day, increasing toward evening. Pale blue flowers with a hint of purple, cause a real delight to connoisseurs.

Hybrid Petunia "evening Senseyshn F1" shape plant with shoots with a length of 80-100 cm, densely covered with flowers. Diameter of the flower is 5-7 cm, but there are so many that it is not visible leaves. Blooms a very long time — until late autumn. An ideal plant for hanging baskets, pots, vases and create floral arrangements.

Professional seeds of annual flowers

Petunia hanging plant "Avalanche Yellow whim F1"

Flowers bright yellow colors will appreciate ampelnoe Petunia "Avalanche Yellow whim F1". Cold gamma petals of lime and lemon in the heat of the sun takes on an unusual pinkish tint. Hybrid perfect for container gardening, but use it in floral arrangements open ground.

This Petunia flowers adorns their Sunny gardens, terraces and balconies from June to October. Profuse flowering. The seeds for seedlings sown in March-April. Originally Petunia "Avalanche Yellow whim F1" manifests itself as erect herb. But over time, the shoots hang down and create a cascade of medium length. Professional seeds of annual flowers

Professional seeds of annual flowers

Catharanthus – series "Tattoo"

Series katrantzou "Tattoo" is the most unique and popular in the market. This is a new luxury line of barvinkiv with fantastic colour of the flowers! Smooth transitions from one color to another give the petal effect fluorescent glow. Each flower, as if painted with a brush the petals with the tattoo of a dark color.

Karantoni this series form a dense branched bushes up to a diameter of 60 cm large flowers with rounded overlapping petals adorn the plants for a long time. These annuals are perfect for growing in full sun, in hot and dry climate – these conditions manifest all its brightness. In low light and cool conditions the expressiveness of flower reduced. Katarantus "Tattoo" is ideal for container gardening and hanging baskets.

Catharanthus roseus (Vinca) "Tattoo Tangerine"

Bright representative of the series "Tattoo" — Catharanthus "Tattoo Tangerine". Numerous salmon flowers with a Burgundy tattoo will serve as a real decoration of planters and flower beds of your garden.

Professional seeds of annual flowers

Catharanthus roseus (Vinca) "Tattoo black cherry"

Catharanthus "Tattoo black cherry" will give you long lasting blooms and surprise unusual color of bright pink neon with a smooth transition into the mysterious Bordeaux.

Professional seeds of annual flowers

Marigolds erect a series of "Taishan F1"

"The Taishan F1" – a new generation of upright marigolds. Hybrids are easy maintenance, long blooming and unusual ornamental for the whole period of vegetation. Impeccable shape of the flower and a short stalk, allows the plant to maintain perfect compact shape and does not stretch. Gustomahrovye flowers exude a pleasant aroma and a well-preserved vase life.

The plants are undemanding, drought-resistant, perfectly withstand a transplant even in a flourishing condition, don't need growth promoters. Simple maintenance, consisting in moderate watering, fertilizing and timely pruning of withered buds, will help to prolong flowering marigolds. These cute solar hybrids will help to realize any design decisions, because they feel great in the flower beds, and containers.

Marigolds "The Taishan F1 Gold"

Marigolds "the Taishan F1 gold" unusually bright Golden yellow color adds to your garden solar light and heat. The comfort and harmony – eternal companions of these adorable, one-year flowers.

Professional seeds of annual flowers

Marigolds "The Taishan F1 Orange"

These annuals have attracted the attention of a large double buds the color of a juicy orange. Even in the rainy, cloudy days marigolds "the Taishan F1 orange" paint garden solar paints.

Professional seeds of annual flowers

Impatiens Waller Bikin F1 "Violet Saz" - Professional seeds of annual flowers

"Violet Saz" — a new hybrid, adding a modern selection of popular Balzaminov. Culture has withstood the most severe tests, which proved that Impatiens Waller "Bican F1, violet Saz" genetically resistant to downy mildew, and grows well without the use of fungicides, growth promoters and does not require a complicated scheme of care.

Ease of cultivation combined with the continuous bright blooms distinguish this hybrid from its predecessors. Large buds the color of ripe cherries adorn the lush Bush and looks very dressy all season. Hybrid multi-purpose and great for all types of flower beds and for growing in containers.

Professional seeds of annual flowers

Cabbage ornamental "Kamome F1 Red"

For professional gardeners cabbage is, first and foremost, the inimitable flower and not a vegetable. The uniqueness of ornamental cabbage is that with decreasing temperature at the end of garden season she only begins to discover its beauty. The landscape garden in late autumn, where from past summer the pomp and brightness of colors is almost nothing left, ornamental Kale adds color and texture.

Hybrid ornamental cabbage "Kamome F1 red" is a very undemanding plant. To grow better seedlings. In the open ground and container compositions requires minimal maintenance – loosening the soil, fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers and watering. With the arrival of winter, the plant can take in. Its colorful ruffled leaves, petals still some time will be able to be the exclusive interior decoration.

Professional seeds of annual flowers

Gazania (gazania) harsh "Talent Ed Sads"

Gazania "Talent Ed Sads" — a new variety from a unique series of harsh gazania with silver foliage. Large baskets will surprise fans with an unusual coloration – the outer side of petals red-orange, darkening towards the centre, turning brown. Real decoration of the flower serves as the inner ring is dark color. Leaves pubescent outside, making the whole Bush looks as if sprinkled with silver – very decorative.

Excellent pot variety with a compact globular habit. The duration of the growing 12-15 weeks. "Talent Ed Sads" is a continual formation of new buds, which remain open even in inclement weather. Blooms early and blooms for a long period of time without suffering from drought. Good resistance to transplant, even in a flourishing condition and feels great in various pots, pots and balcony boxes. Will serve as a bright decoration of rock gardens, rockeries and borders.

Professional seeds of annual flowers

Dear gardeners! The seeds of the flowers described is already on sale and you will easily find them in stores in new designer bags with the logo "Evrosemena". Treat yourself to the perfect seed of annuals with high rates of germination and varietal purity!

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