Сб. Фев 22nd, 2025


A tree or shrub, which came to us from Africa or South Asia, called the Female dragon or dracaena. At home it has a large size of a trunk, branches and leaves, reaches a height of more than three meters. Due to the breeding methods of breeding different varieties of plants, types of dracaena are quite diverse. These include varieties of indoor crops, which differ in shape, height, colour and leaf configuration, and methods of reproduction, cultivation and care. Dracaena is quite a popular flower that is trying to buy to create the decorative interior of the dwelling, working and leisure places.

Species and varieties of dracaena

Many species of dracaena have one feature, they are like a palm tree, so the plant is called a false palm tree. The tree has a long life cycle, that is, longevity. With proper care, some varieties of dracaena live up to twenty years. Because of the hot climate in the homeland plants, dracaena likes the warm climate and long withstand drought. Some varieties only grow in high humidity, which is observed in tropical forests. At home also you can try to create the optimal climate for plants, but not for all types. The hallmark of dracaena from similar plants is a red or orange color of the slice of the root system. Dracaena leaves are long, thin and can also be broad and oblong. Some species are distinguished by the presence of acute stacks of leaves, which rushes up, and others have drooping slender leaves down. There are also varieties whose trunk is hidden under the broad, lanceolate leaves arranged spirally. Dracaena this form it is important to water, that is water does not have all the time to get to the leaves, as they can get sick and fall off. After some time of the life cycle, dracaena needs to drop leaves, usually the lower. In another case, this symptom may indicate problems associated with irrigation, lighting, fertilizer and ambient temperature.

The names of the varieties of dracaena

Edged dracaena or marginata is a plant which is quite popular used for decoration of the room, as it adapts well to simple care. Externally, dracaena is represented by a tree, reaching meters tall and more, with branched stems and long green leaves, the edges of which are decorated with red, pink, yellow or light green stripe. Distinguish the marginata bicolor and tricolor. When the leaves fall, the trunk left scars. Dracaena likes warmth and frequent spraying.

Species and varieties of dracaena

Edged dracaena

Dracaena Lucky bamboo or sander – this culture is often called indoor bamboo due to the similarity with the bamboo. Several trunks two inches in diameter and firmly attached to each other and have a height of about one hundred centimeters. The tip of "bamboo" is decorated with a large number of lateral stems and juicy green leaves, with a broad plate, reaching twenty inches in length. Their tone can be diluted with a yellow or pink border. Bamboo dracaena can grow in a glass pot filled with pebbles and water, as well as in the palm, but very moist soil. Bloom sandery, there is more in the natural climate than at home.

Species and varieties of dracaena

Dracaena Lucky bamboo

Canary dracaena or dragon tree – in nature, this species grows to a great size, with a strong stem, branches and large leathery leaves, formed in the cap. At home, dragon dracaena much less African relatives, but the beauty of decorative flower makes time to hold the look of the pot. Sheets, in a width of about seven centimeters and fifteen in length, are scattered in different directions green and yellow stripes on the edge. Mature at the age of ten, dracaena can bloom with white fragrant flowers, and after them there are fruit boxes in the form of berries red.

Species and varieties of dracaena

Dracaena Canary

Godsefa dracaena is a plant differs from other varieties by the shape and coloring of deciduous plates. Visually, it is a Bush with thin branched stem, which grows through the formation of shoots, up to fifty inches in length. Stems can sink to the windowsill, and they are broad, oblong and acute at the apex, leaves. Leaf color green, but the presence of white or yellow spots of different size and quantity is a distinctive feature of this variety. It is sometimes called Golden or marble dracaena. The flowering phase at Godsey observed at a young stage of development. It pleases fragrant flowers are yellow, but at home, this is rare.

Species and varieties of dracaena

Dracaena Godsefa

Tree dracaena has a powerful and tall trunk, reaching a height of two or three meters with the scars of leaves. Top dracaena noted a thick bundle of narrow, pointed, hard and long leaves that resemble human hair, which has bristled. In nature, the tree can grow up to fifteen meters. Blooms with small flowers of beige, which quickly wither away, and in their place appear red fruit boxes. The trunk of dracaena tree, which is common in Liberia, used for industrial purposes, and the leaves are used in medicine. Decorative home tree dracaena adorns the greenhouse gardeners. The cultivation of apical cuttings occurs for a very long time, the account goes on for years.

Species and varieties of dracaena

Tree dracaena

Fragrant dracaena – has a height of about one meter. The trunk is usually straight with no branches. Green leaves with a yellow stripe in the middle, diverge from the trunk in a horizontal position and have a twenty-five centimeter length. The width of the lower and upper leaves can reach ten inches, which is closer to the pointed top. This species of dracaena can bloom at an early age plants, which is reflected by the appearance of small but very fragrant flowers. Broad leaves help to maintain a refreshing indoor climate.

Species and varieties of dracaena

Fragrant dracaena

Varieties of dracaena can lay down a considerable list in which there are forms that require large rooms or small, cozy rooms, higher or minimal lighting, watering and other growing conditions. Including dracaena:


  • Derescue;
  • Angustifolia;
  • Abriana;
  • The Ayer;
  • Hooker;
  • Golden;
  • Shermanology;
  • Lemon;
  • Capitate.


Each type there may be subtypes, which were not always significant outward signs and care.

The cultivation of hardy varieties

Reproduction dracaena occurs in different ways. These include the cultivation of flower using seeds, cuttings and apical cuttings.

If your dracaena has narrow flowering, and the appearance of fertile berries gathered seeds to try to plant. Such cases occur infrequently, so the seeds of dracaena can be bought in a flower shop. For planting of any plant material, whether seeds or cuttings, need to palm the ground, which is also sold in gardening centers. Such soil is ideal for growing dracaena, as it contains drainage Foundation, mineral makeup, vermicompost, dolomite flour, peat and sand. Temperature for seed germination, rooting seedlings or cuttings should be warm enough a normal room climate. Not least important in the cultivation of plants, is played by the greenhouse effect to accelerate the development of plants. Lighting for planting material should not be constantly bright, at a certain stage, the plant is obscure. When planting dracaena cuttings, activated carbon is used, the Converter of the roots and growth stimulator that processes the sections of the cuttings and add water, soil and sprayer.

Young dracaena rooted, as a rule, adapts quickly, but the compliance schedule to care for themselves requires. A good place for the flower, is the window sill or the space in the room where there is ambient light. Humidity is very important for the dracaena, if it is dry, it is often necessary to humidify from a spray bottle. Temperature optimum in the range of eighteen to twenty-five degrees Celsius. As for watering, the Orchid loves water, but not very many and not very often. Sufficient intake of watering three or four times a week from spring to autumn. In winter, watering can be carried out twice a week. Also, under the flower pot, put the pan, into which pour a little water. An important condition for irrigation is water quality, it should be soft, settled or filtered, or distilled. Dracaena loves fertilizer, so purchased nutrient mix should be used strictly according to instructions and according to the behavior of the flower.

Dracaena pruning is carried out in case of maturity or when the plant needs to bring a more decorative look, and to save you from sickness. To do this, cut the tip of the flower and placed for some time in water, dissolve in it the root Converter and activated carbon.

Like all plants, indoor breeding, dracaena can respond to changes in the schedule of the care unpleasant symptoms. Of them secrete a yellowing of leaves, appearance of stains on them, blisters, dry and black sections, and their falling off. Other pathological symptoms include stunted plant growth, weak structural parts, non-physiological inclination of a flower to the side or bottom. The cause of the disease of plants can be properly selected location for the plant, burning flower sunlight, the effects of drafts, the heater air conditioning. Of course, the lack or excess irrigation and fertilization. To harmful pathogenic microorganisms which damage the leaves the roots and stem of dracaena include aphids, mealybug and spider mites. Parasites feed on juice of flower and produce toxins that destroy the biological structure of plants.

Diseases of dracaena can be overcome by providing proper care and treatment solutions, which is processed by the plant. For this fit the insecticide mixture from the store or prepared on the basis of garlic, sage, soap, ash, kerosene, etc.

Properties of dracaena

From the observations of many gardeners, there are several useful properties, which has dracaena. Exotic plant not only complements the interior, but also refreshes the indoor air, absorb harmful fumes from synthetic items: furniture, rugs, kitchen utensils (microwave oven), teleradiomarafon, printer, and other unpleasant odors. The health of people present in the room where the grow dracaena, is also not left without attention. The plant suppresses bad energy, increases vitality and leads him to the tone. If you sit down near a dracaena for a few minutes, you can get rid of the headache or other pain. The emergence of stressful situations in the house, scandals and mental disorders can also be avoided if it lives dracaena.

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